Monday, March 30, 2009

Hungry? Wake Up.

I heard you say that you were hungry for more
That you were not getting enough to eat
Yet you keeping walking in that same old groove
Depending on others, rather than standing on your own two feet
I heard you say you are hungry.
I wonder why you don’t break bread yourself?
Why don’t you come to the Table… take and eat the Bread of Life,
drink of the Living Water?
Isn’t He present with you at all times? Then why do you hunger?
Doesn’t He dwell with you? Then why does your thirst go unquenched?

Wake up, sleepy head. Time to get up out of your bed.
Your bed that you fluff up with all of your doings
Those things that keep you busy and make you feel good about yourself
(As if that is what’s important.)

This is not written for the unbeliever.
I am writing to my brothers and sisters sleeping in the light.
Governed by their own ways. Driven by their bellies.

You talk as tho’ God gave you life to make you an employee.
You do not know His heart at all. Wake up.
He is with you, longing to share His heart, His hope, His life with you.
Did He not say that those who drank of Him would thirst no more?

Yet you are “ever learning, but never coming the the knowledge of the Truth”
You are poor, naked & blind, but you hold your own head high
(Denying His headship over you) Walking in vanity like a proud peacock
You often say “Yes, I know…I know… I know.”
Saying you have the answers. Saying you know the Truth.
You are so full of yourself, you don’t recognize the voice of the Spirit

Again I ask, why are you hungry? Why are you thirsty?
I think you should admit that you DON’T know, that you cannot do.
And turn again, like a child, to the One who gives you life.
Buy from Him gold tried in the fire.
Let Him strip off those old rags you’ve been wearing so proudly.
That He may dress you in white, the robes of His righteousness,
That you might be covered by His love, no longer shamed by your nakedness.
Receive of Him the eyesalve that will restore your vision,
His vision for your life in Him.

You said you were hungry. I wonder if you really are?
Will you continue to rely on the leftovers, the table scraps?
Will you continue to drink tainted water? Oh, sure, it is water…
But it is water filtered by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

You wonder why you feel the way you do. You’re “doing” everything you were taught to do. Going to services every week. You run to this conference, that “revival”…
A flesh-junkie looking for another emotional high.

I was always told it was all about RELATIONSHIP. But Religion seems to rule the day. We need to learn of Him how to live His way, how to walk in His truth.
Not being religious, but Being His children, His trusted friends.
You and I can’t do that on our own. Relationship with Him is the only way.
And if we are in relationship with Him, we never need to go hungry or thirsty again.
For He is present with us all the time. He is our bread and meat. He is the living water.

So, I don’t understand why you are running here and there. Going to this meeting and that meeting. It’s never enough, because you refuse to go to the Source. The only place you need to “go to” is to Him. So busy with all of your own plans and ideas, your own commitments. Shouldn’t Jesus be the priority… His centrality & supremacy in our lives?

Yes, we need to “get plugged in” my friends… plugged in to Jesus, to a 24-7-365 relationship. Totally dependent on Him as our governing Head. Learning together to BE His Body. Being fed by one-on-one time with Him. Then coming together as the pieces and parts that we are, sharing the life of “Christ in us the hope of glory”. Each member of the Body participating, “playing their part”, that Jesus might be revealed to us, in us, & through us all in greater measure.

Yes, I am rambling a bit. But you baffle me. You were the ones who taught me …
“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness”, “Jesus above all else”.
You taught me that when you are hungry, you seek more of God.

Now you sound like the Pharisees and Sadduces of old…
More concerned with your “good” things… your traditions that have always meant so much to you, busy doing “good” (sure, you really mean to help, to shine His light in the darkness. But, more often than not, your motives are all about your self esteem, how others see you, and making a name for yourself. Which means you are not led by His Spirit, not building HIS kingdom, and His light is not center stage, because you have made yourself “star of the show”.). Though you probably won’t admit it, you are also trying to earn His love & grace.

To obey is better than sacrifice. God doesn’t want your money, or special “feasts” in honor of Him. He wants your very life. Check out Romans 12. “..Offer yourselves as sacrifice, living and set apart for God. This will please Him; it is the LOGICAL ‘Temple worship’ for you…”. Did you think He was talking to someone else? That you are excluded from this direction? What do you have a doctor’s excuse or something? No, He’s not “happy” or “satisfied” with all those things that make YOU feel good about yourself, and your religion. He said we’re not to have any other gods before Him. That includes ourselves.

How can you say and sing songs about how you love and adore Him, and desire more of Him, and to be a vessel used by Him; only to then refuse to allow Him to make Himself at home in your life? Jesus said foxes have holes and birds have nests, but that He, our sweet Savior, had nowhere to rest his head. Do you think He was only referring to a physical bed and pillow to lay His head on every night? His Body, those who call themselves His people, keep setting other human beings in a place of headship that belongs to Jesus Christ ALONE. Israel of old did this,too. Desiring a man to be their king, rather than God Himself. They did not want the responsibility of relationship. They had a form of godliness, but denied the power thereof.

If we truly love Him, we ought to care about the desires of His heart, and not be so selfish as to shove Him aside as we continue on in our owns ways. Exalting “good” ideas, “good” traditions over and above the ONLY ONE WHO IS TRULY GOOD. Without Him we can do nothing. Brothers and sisters, I don’t know about you, but I desire to truly show Him my love and affection. To give Him all of me, dying daily to my ways, my thinking, my wants… that He might rest His head…Be the Head of my life. (Like Paul said to the Philippians, I have not already reached this goal, but I press for it, forgetting what is behind and straining forward for what lies ahead. Phil. 3:12-14

We, as His Body, must do this together, as well. We must daily yield to the centrality and supremacy of Jesus Christ, that He might rest His Head(ship) on us, and conform us into the Body HE desires us to be. We cannot do this on our own, in our own strength or understanding. Only through a continual yielding to Him, His ways, being led by His Spirit. Only by His Spirit will we become the people, the Body of Christ He has called us to be. “…One huge priestly presence dominating the landscape always…” (Hebrews 7, The Message).

Awake, O sleeper, arise shine for your Light has come.
Stop being angry, and fretting about the wickedness of the wicked. Psalm 37
Stop thinking you’re going to vote them out, or change the world with your vote.
Jesus said we would be persecuted, because the world persecuted Him. So, there’s no point in pouting about it. We certainly are not greater than our Master. We have had it so easy, we’ve fallen asleep in the light… more American than we are Christian. Jesus also said “Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world”. He is in us, so we are enabled by His Spirit to overcome, as well.

God is calling us to return to Him, to dive deeper into relationship with Him. Deeper than we’ve ever been before. Are you hungry? Do you think there must be more? Abandon your carnality, and seek His face. Quiet the busy-ness of your own precious thoughts, and listen for the whispers of His heart. If you truly want something different, you will have to do something different. He will show you what and how. And if you know this message is for you, but you really just don’t want to right now. Pray that He will give you “the want to”. He always gives us what we need…even the desire to follow Him.


Saturday, March 21, 2009

In the beginning, God's heart was full with a vision and a dream of a people who would choose Him, love Him and follow after Him like children. He longed for a family, and for a fellowship of people who were His true friends. So, He created earth & made a home for us. Then He created human beings. And He gave us the right to choose for ourselves whether we would walk with Him, or go our own way.

Curiosity got the best of us, and we have each decided to check out life on our own. Exalting our own ways, thoughts, and feelings above God's. Heck, He's only the Creator, what does He know?! We have sinned, and hurt ourselves and others. That's just life on this planet. God was not surprised that we would do what we've done. He knew the damage our choices would cause. But He would not force Himself or His ways on humankind.

He has never given up on us either. Before the foundation of the earth, Jesus was the Lamb that was slain on our behalf, bridging the gap between humankind and God. God did not send His Son to the world to condemn it, but to save it. And He will be faithful to complete the new work He has begun in each of His children's lives. He wants us to learn of Him, His ways of living, moving & being. He wants to show us who He is & who He wants to be to us right now.

He's never let go of His vision, His dream of having family & friends whose hearts are truly devoted to Him. This blog is written in hopes of encouraging His people in their journeys with Him. Blessings!